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KhajuBrand '09 Summer Show


KhajuBrand '09 Summer Show
〜latest fabric Items for summer and early autumn〜

July 23rd(thu)  〜 August 2nd (sun) 11:00 - 17:30

KhajuBrand, which is an independent fabric brand in Khaju Art Space, Kamakura, is holding the summer show as annual function. You will find good hand-woven table mats and tapestries, original bags,wears, aprons or various color vegetable-dyed silkscarves. If you are knitters or weavers, let us recommend our vegetable-dyed yarns. We are showing silk, wool linen, cotton yarns in rich colors.
Also you can enjoy Japanese Confectioneries by "Temari"(Misonoi Yuko)

※We are so sorry that we have to raise the of our yarns from the beginning of September.So if you'd like to buy them, please get during this show or by the end of August at least.

KhajuBrand(Tanaka Makiko & Ikegami Emiko)

Japanese Confectionery Brand "Temari"(Misonoi Yuko)

Khaju Art Space
57-1 Nikaido Kamakura, Japan
t/f +81-(0)467-23-3663

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