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August 2009

Japanese Traditional Instrument Live



Let's enjoy Japanese instruments, Koto, Shamisen and Shakuhachi! It's will bw a good opportunity for small kids and non Japanese residents to know Japanese traditional tunes and
folk tails. English translator will explain about the instruments and the stories.We are waiting for you. Kids welcome!

[ Inquiry / Booking ]
t/f 0467-23-3663

Mail here

Information for pringting

Aug.8th(sat)  13:30 open  14:00 start

◆Adult ¥ 1500(advanced) ¥2000(door charge)

◆Friendship member   ¥ 1200(advanced) ¥1500(door charge)

◆12〜18 year old  ¥ 300
all + 1 drink & snacks 

1. Song of Harp Playing Girl

  ・KotoⅠ    Watanabe Hatsuyo

  ・KotoⅡ    Sato Kumiko

  ・Bass Koto  Mizushima Noriko

  ・Shamisen   Yoshikawa Mieko

  ・Shakuhachi Anzai Akio

2. Japanese Folk Songs


3. Folk Tale "Tsuru no Ongaeshi" (The Grateful Crane )

  ・ KotoⅠ・kotoⅡ・Bass Koto・Shakuhachi


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Kazz Acoustic Live


We are so proud to invite Kazz who is a nice musician lives in Hayama. His acoustic music is spun with guitar and many Asian and African percussion instruments. Please come to Khaju to relax and enjoy peaceful time.

[ Inquiry / Booking ]
57-1Nikaido Kamaura t/f 0467-23-3663

Mail here  information for printing

Aug.9th(sun)  13:30 open  14:00 start

◆adult ¥ 2000(advanced) ¥2500(door charge)

◆friendship member   ¥ 1800(advanced) ¥2300(door charge)

◆12〜18 year old  ¥ 500
all + 1 drink & snacks 


Born in Hokkaido, lives in Hayama.

Traveled and lived in America, France and West Africa in his twenties.

While he stayed in Niger, west Africa, he worked for JAICA as a music teacher and played music with local dread-locker-reggae musicians on the radio/ TV, in all over West Africa.

After came back to Japan, organized a psychedelic trance band and joined "SPRING SCREAM”, a big rock festival in Taiwan every year, and made a tour of UK in 2001.

Now acts as a solo artist with acoustic guitar, Kalimba, or Djembe.
Receives some recognition for collaborative show with Sato Denjiro, well known surfing-photographer and for African-percussion-workshops in elementary schools and kindergartens.

Released the first album『Glassy "凪”』in 2006、the second one『夢ごこち(Dreamy)』in 2008.

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