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September 2009

2009 Spinning Class


'08 Spinning Class Open in Octorber

'09 Octorber 3th (Sat) 〜 '10 March 20st (Sat)

 1 course 12 lessons 14:00 - 16:00

(Oct.3, 17/ Nov.7, 21/ Dec. 5, 19/ Jan.9, 23/ Feb.6, 20/ Mar.6, 20)

"Spinning"...one of the most fundamental works for human beings. Let's experience and think about the true meaning of "what is creation".

You can learn how to use spindle and spinning wheel. And also study about sheep wool ; quality, kinds or history.




【Lesson Fee】

・First Term (from Oct.) ¥24,000

・Second Term(from Jan.) ¥24,000

【Optional Fee】

・1 pair of carders ¥6000

・spindle ¥1800 

・sheep material each time ¥300- 500


mail here

・Or, call/fax 0467-23-3663

Please make entry soon!

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Let’s try Japanese instruments



  “Shamisen” Work Shop   1 course (4 lessons)


For Printing

Oct. 10(sat)・25(sun)・31(sat)・  Nov. 7(sat)

13:30 〜 15:00   * Nov. 7 10:00 〜 11:30

It’s a great opportunity for you to touch Japanese traditional music.
You will be able to play the shamisen, Japanese string instrument  and master some Japanese folk songs after taking this work shop.


◆ 1 lesson is 90min. group lesson.
◆ We have rental instruments. You don’t have to bring anything.
◆ The lesson fee:   1 course  ¥10,000 (including texts)
  * The space is limited. Please make a booking as soon as posssible.

Instructor Mori Keiko / Shamisen
Born in Kamakura. Graduated Tokyo Art Univercity and the Graduate School.
Many experiences to play at public halls all over Japan as a solist and as a member of professional orchestras.
Also teaches many students and organized “Kamakura Japanese Traditional Music”.
From this Novemer starts a class for kids, a big project supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs.

◆Khaju Art Space
57-1 Nikaido Kamakura
0467-23-3663  mail here

◆Mori Keiko  mail here

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