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Khaju Winter Gift Show 2010

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〜For someone you love and for yourself〜

Dec.5th(sun)〜12th(sun) 10:30〜17:30

We are going to hold "Gift Show" as our annual function in winter time.
We are sure you will find something special for your family, firends or yourself.

Khaju Brand (Hand Woven, Hand Dyed Fabrics)

Tanaka Makiko

Ikegami Emiko

Ito Haruka (Japanese text)

◆Guest Artists

"Temari"(Misonoi Yuko)(Japanese Confectionaries) *5th, 11th, 12th only
・Delicious and beautiful Japanese sweets.

Lives in Chigasaki.
Used to work as an elementary school teacher, an event MC, and a business woman.
In 2003 established her own confectionery brand "手毬(temari)" and keeps on creating very original unique sweets based on traditional way.
Now having many exhibitions and workshops not only all over Japan but also Germany and US.


Glass beads GURI GURA(Yamagishi Sotaro)(burner worked glass)
・burner_worked glass beads and the bead-accessories

2002 Started the career.

2006 Open his own studio "Glass Beads GURI GURA"

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Hatakeyama Keiko(textile)

・Keiko's concept is "fun". Even though tiny pieces of cloth, they change into something fantastic with Keiko's magical hands. Studying natural dying at Khaju.


1987 Graduated from dress making department in Bunka Joshi College

2003〜 Started creating fabric art with old kimono textile.

2005〜 Study Japanese embroidery with Akiyama Hiromi Studio.

2006〜 Started making Samue (a sort of Japanese Kimono) as professional career.

2007〜 Participated Desgin Festa in Tokyo.

2008〜 Group Exhibitions.

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Yoshida Mihoko (graphic design)

・After studied graphic design, started career as an graphic designer, illustrator, and pcturebook writer. Now acts in publishing field, art events and also planning various collaborative events.AtKamakura Roji Festivaldesigned the official poster and worked as a staff. Many solo shows. Lives in Yokohama.

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◇What else??

Khaju musician's CDs, USHIO's original calender and so on.

※We prepare wrapping items to make up lovely gifts. You can send the gifts to anyone even abroad by international delivery service from Khaju.
※Credit Cards are available.

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