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September 2012

Spinning Class 2012


'12 Spinning Class Open in Octorber

'12 Octorber 13th (Sat) 〜 '13 March 16th (Sat)

 1 course 12 lessons 14:00 - 16:00

(Oct.13, 20/ Nov.10,17/ Dec. 1,15/ Jan.12,19/ Feb.2,16/ Mar.2,16)

"Spinning"...one of the most fundamental works for human beings. Let's experience and think about the true meaning of "what is creation".

You can learn how to use spindle and spinning wheel. And also study about sheep wool ; quality, kinds or history.


【Lesson Fee】

・First Term (from Oct.) ¥24,000

・Second Term(from Jan.) ¥24,000

【Optional Fee】

・1 pair of carders ¥6000

・spindle ¥1800 

・sheep material each time ¥300- 500


mail here

・Or, call/fax 0467-23-3663

Please make an entry soon!

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Knit Cafe Sep.

Knit_aug04 Tokk

◆Knit Cafe September

Sep.23 (Sun)  13:30 - 17:00

Makiko's studio in Khaju Art space holds a small comfortable tea party with knitting every 4th Sunday.

Everybody who likes knitting is welcome including beginners.
Don't hesitate to join us!

You can buy beautiful hand-dyed yarns here at very reasonable price.

◆1000 yen for entrance fee  (+drinks and sweets)
◆Bring your own knitting tools if you have them.
◆Inquiry : 0467-23-3663  or mail us

This month we are going to joinThink Of JAPAN Whille Kniting Kansai's activity.

This project was begun in Canada by a Japanese knitter and her Canadian friends. They collect  crochet-motifs they designed. They are making blankets with the motifs and sell them at auctions. All the proceeds are supposed to be donated the quake victim children throughAshinaga Foundation

When you click the project name, you will see the detailed information including draft of the motif design and Youtube movies of how to crochet.

Let's get together to join this project on 23rd at Khaju!

Continue reading "Knit Cafe Sep."

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